DC Video

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DC Video Restores Historic 1962 Argentine 2" Quad 625 PAL Videotape

Long forgotten in a Madrid warehouse, the program "El Hombre Que Vendió Su Risa" has been recovered and digitized by DC Video in Burbank, California. This 1962 2" Quad 625 PAL recording was made at Canal 7 in Argentina in August, 1962. The tape was taken to Spain where it has resided for over five decades and is said to have changed the history of Spanish television production. In its eagerness to preserve the legacy of this program, PROINTEL PRODUCCIONES of Madrid chose DC Video to recover, transfer and digitize this 625 line recording using the world-acclaimed capabilities of the Ampex AVR-1 two inch Quad videotape machine. The results were outstanding.

This program preservation effort was recently featured at the Spanish Television Festival “FesTVal”.(http://www.festval.tv/vitoria.html). The program received much acclaim:


Here is more information on the program and its history from Prointel Producciones:
